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Bellin, David
Information Fountain Inc.
CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina
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Operating systems: a systematic view (6th ed.)
Davis W., Rajkumar T., Pearson Addison Wesley, 2004.Type: Book
As its authors accurately state, “[this] text continues to focus on using, rather than designing.†The text contains five sections and four appendices, covering some 600 pages....
Feb 4 2005
PHP5 and MySQL bible
Converse T., Park J., Morgan C., Hungry Minds Inc, 2004.Type: Book
There are two excellent books on PHP: hypertext preprocessor (PHP) and MySQL that have been previously reviewed in
Computing Reviews
[1,2]. There has also been a spate of the usual sloppy titles on the subject, including one discussed by...
Jan 4 2005
Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL: from novice to professional
Gilmore W., Gilmore J., APress, 2004.Type: Book
I don’t know why my suspicions get raised when book covers have phrases such as “books for professionals by professionals.†I guess it’s due to the fact that, most of the time, advertising copy is a poor reflection of...
Sep 20 2004
Death march
Yourdon E., Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2003. 304 pp. Type: Book
Ed Yourdon is nothing if not a catchy phraseologist. A “death march project†is one whose “schedules, estimations, budgets, and resources are so constrained or skewed that participants can hardly survive, much less...
Jul 7 2004
Beyond productivity: information, technology, innovation, and creativity
Mitchell W., Inouye A., Blumenthal M., National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2003. 268 pp. Type: Book
Thanks to the deliberations of a large committee, and the subsequent editorial vetting process, this book offers many benefits, and much information. It is the report of a committee convened by the National Academy of Sciences to address the...
May 26 2004
Me++: the cyborg self and the networked city
Mitchell W., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003. 312 pp. Type: Book
This book closes a trilogy of ruminations on the social implications of technology by William J. Mitchell, Professor of Architecture and Media Arts and Sciences, and Dean of Architecture and Planning at MIT. The previous two titles were...
Mar 9 2004
A taxonomy of future higher thinking skills
Passig D. Informatics in Education 2(1): 79-92, 2003. Type: Article
“Our future society will be different from what we have known in the past fifty years.†This opening statement sets the tone and content for the entire paper. A summary of the views of various futurists is presented, and Bloom’s ...
Dec 10 2003
Rethinking the digital divide
Payton F. Communications of the ACM 46(6): 89-91, 2003. Type: Article
This three-page article reviews a very small study on the self-reported perspectives of African-American teenagers attending high school and middle school in Raleigh, North Carolina. There were 41 study participants, with a reported average of...
Aug 22 2003
Falling through the net: defining the digital divide
The digital divide
. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001. Type: Book Chapter
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released this groundbreaking report, “Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide,†in 1999. The report describes surprising disparities in access to both...
Jun 3 2003
Our modern times: the new nature of capitalism in the information age
Cohen D., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002. 120 pp. Type: Book
Written by a noted French economist, this book contains seven chapters which are divided into two sections. “The New Wave†starts with a cultural economic survey, “From Chaplin to Godard,†covered in 14 pages, followed by...
May 1 2003
Automatic Model Transformations Using Extended UML Object Diagrams in Modeling Environments
Milicev D. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 28(4): 413-431, 2002. Type: Article
There is often an undesirably large gap between academic research and industry practice. This is all too frequently the case in the very areas that should be narrowing the gap; namely, software engineering research areas, including modeling,...
Oct 17 2002
Computer forensics: incident response essentials
Warren G. I., Heiser J., Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, 2002. 392 pp. Type: Book
This book consists of 326 text pages followed by 54 pages of appendices and two pages of bibliography. Of the thirteen chapters, the first and the last are a very brief pro-forma introduction and conclusion. Chapters 2 through 7 are 176 pages...
Apr 22 2002
Developing business systems with CORBA
Sadiq W., Cummins F., Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 1998.Type: Book
Sadiq and Cummins provide a good introduction to distributed object architectures, beginning with an introduction to the basic concepts of object technology (which could easily have been skipped). Chapter 2 considers several distributed object...
Feb 1 1999
Developing Windows error messages
Ezzell B., O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, CA, 1998.Type: Book
Edith Wharton has been quoted as saying that “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.†Windows error messages often seem to put out the light rather than spread it. Ezzell’s new...
Jun 1 1998
The data model resource book
Silverston L., Inmon W., Graziano K., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1997.Type: Book
The information in this book will appeal to a specific, albeit narrow, audience: designers of large relational databases and data warehouses. These are some of the ground troops in the software engineering battles. Any organization that uses...
Feb 1 1998
The object database handbook
Barry D. (ed), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1996.Type: Book
It is sometimes hard to judge which part of the object-oriented (OO) software world is changing and developing the fastest, but OO databases would be among the top five on most lists. Clearly, there is a market for a work that could help...
Mar 1 1997
Bullet proof documentation
Cady D., McGraw-Hill, Inc., Hightstown, NJ, 1996.Type: Book
The jacket says, “If you’re interested in a career that’s bursting with potential, you’ll find an enlightening discussion of the role of document testers in today’s and tomorrow’s business world.†This is ...
Dec 1 1996
Virus detection and elimination
Skardhamar R., Academic Press Prof., Inc., San Diego, CA, 1995.Type: Book
It would be wonderful to find a good book that not only showed the innards of a working virus checker, but helped the reader to mutate it to inoculate against new strains. That is the cover promise of this new book....
Aug 1 1996
Designing and writing online documentation (2nd ed.)
Horton W., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1994.Type: Book
As the title suggests, this book is a practical guide to online documentation. The introductory chapter does well in identifying several different types of online documentation systems, such as help facilities, computer-based training modules,...
Apr 1 1996
Anti-virus tools and techniques for computer systems
Polk W., Lawrence E. I., Wack J., Carnahan L., Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, 1995.Type: Book
Part 1, 39 pages of this 88-page hardcover, seems to closely follow publication 800-5 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), “Guide to Selection of Anti-virus Tools and Techniques.†Part 2, the next 40 pages, is ...
Mar 1 1996
Seamless object-oriented software architecture
Waldén K., Nerson J. (ed), Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1995.Type: Book
I first started programming in the 1960s. Now in the 1990s, it still seems as though management just does not know what to do next. Systems seem to cost too much to develop, are always late, and rarely work the way they should. Such concerns gave ...
Oct 1 1995
Developing and localizing international software
Madell T., Parsons C., Abegg J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1994.Type: Book
Developed from a manual for users of HP 9000 computers, this slim book begins with an approach to the general development of internationalized software. Much of the discussion centers on UNIX- and C-based software systems. Cross-language...
Jun 1 1995
Designing, writing and producing computer documentation
Denton L. (ed), Kelly J., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1993.Type: Book
Ten chapters, plus two appendices (the second taken from an IBM manual) make up this book on documentation. Chapters include “Analyzing Your Audience and Purpose,†“Getting Organized,†and “Dividing the Information...
Oct 1 1994
Data analysis, data modeling, and classification
Modell M., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1992.Type: Book
All the data-directed activities for the analysis and design of new computers systems are covered. The book begins by defining data analysis and fitting it in to the software development life cycle. The close relationship between data analysis...
Jun 1 1993
Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications
Paepcke A. Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications, Phoenix, AZ, Oct 6-11, 1991, 1991. Type: Whole Proceedings
Proceedings are never like being there, especially in rapidly changing areas such as object technology. For example, these OOPSLA proceedings do not contain the text of the well-received keynote speech by John Tibbetts of Kinexis, “Object...
Oct 1 1992
Illustrating computer documentation
Horton W., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1991.Type: Book
In my review of Horton’s earlier book [1], I commented upon the author’s emphasis on design effort, and said such a viewpoint was justified for much the same reasons that I have emphasized design in my writing on software development. ...
Jun 1 1992
Designing and writing online documentation: help files to hypertext
Horton W., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1990.Type: Book
Documentation is hard. This truism is accepted by several groups, including those who make a living documenting products created by others, those who must attempt to document their own creations, and the masses who seek to use the documentation...
Feb 1 1992
Writing better computer user documentation: from paper to hypertext (version 2.0)
Brockmann R., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1990.Type: Book
End user documentation seems to be one of the most difficult forms of product support to do well. Even experienced technical writers have an easier time working up documents directed at engineers or maintenance technicians than trying to write...
Oct 1 1991
Computer systems conversion
McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1990.Type: Book
The conversion of large software systems to new hardware or software bases is a difficult task. While conversions are sometimes driven by technology advances, they are often demanded during times of organizational turbulence, such as during...
Dec 1 1990
Security (special section)
Wayne J. (ed) BYTE 14(6): 254-291, 1989. Type: Article
The special “In Depth†feature on security in the June 1989 issue of
magazine consists of four articles and a resource listing....
Aug 1 1990
Know thy viral enemy
Greenberg R. BYTE 14(6): 275-280, 1989. Type: Article
The special “In Depth†feature on security in the June 1989 issue of
magazine consists of four articles and a resource listing....
Aug 1 1990
How safe is it?
Kochanski M. BYTE 14(6): 257-264, 1989. Type: Article
The special “In Depth†feature on security in the June 1989 issue of
magazine consists of four articles and a resource listing....
Aug 1 1990
Secret codes
Dror A. BYTE 14(6): 267-270, 1989. Type: Article
The special “In Depth†feature on security in the June 1989 issue of
magazine consists of four articles and a resource listing....
Aug 1 1990
The safety zone
BYTE 14(6): 290-291, 1989. Type: Article
The special “In Depth†feature on security in the June 1989 issue of
magazine consists of four articles and a resource listing....
Aug 1 1990
Mastering documentation with document masters for systems development, control and delivery
Bell P., Evans C., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1989.Type: Book
After a brief introduction, Bell and Evans’s
Mastering documentation
is divided into five parts. “Getting Started,†the first part, provides the exposition of the authors’ viewpoints and strategies for documenting...
Nov 1 1989
Security in computing
Pfleeger C., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1989.Type: Book
Pfleeger’s book is packaged as a university text. It opens with three excellent chapters that cover the basic mathematics of encryption, decryption, and associated practices. A brief introduction to computer security, and a decent summary...
Aug 1 1989
WordPerfect 4.2 Macros
Mosich D., TAB Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA, 1988.Type: Book
WordPerfect 4.2 macros
, by Donna Mosich, is aimed at experienced users rather than novices. It does not provide any background on the basic functions of the package. Rather, it focuses on taking experienced users of the basic functions to...
Oct 1 1988
WordPerfect quick reference handbook
Cuneo K., Bond G., Moller J., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1988.Type: Book
WordPerfect Quick Reference Handbook
consists of four major parts. The first part contains a simple listing of all commands, ordered both by function key assignment and alphabetically. All the entries in the first section contain...
Sep 1 1988
Computer security: a comprehensive controls checklist
Wood C., Banks W., Guarro S., Garcia A., Hampel V., Sartorio H., Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY, 1987.Type: Book
Computer security
is a checklist that originated in a project for the United States Air Force Logistics Command. Its stated purpose is to be of value to “users who need to acquire familiarity with, and then keep abreast of, the...
Feb 1 1988
Risk management--a key to security in the electronic funds transfer system
Richards R., Yestingsmeier J. Computers and Security 5(2): 135-140, 1986. Type: Article
This is a short summary which mentions once almost every topic related to EFTS security management. Since so many topics are
in so few pages (including insurance, consumer protection, auditing, etc.), none can be covered in any...
Jan 1 1987
The analysis, design, and implementation of information systems (3rd ed.)
Henry C. J., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1985.Type: Book
The third edition of Henry Lucas’ undergraduate textbook attempts to cover a lot of ground. [For reviews of the first two editions, see <CR>
, 1 (Jan. 1977), Rev. 30,782; and <CR>
, 12 (Dec. 1981), Rev....
Jul 1 1986
Maintenance programming: improved productivity through motivation
Couger J., Colter M., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1985.Type: Book
This is a slim volume containing the detailed results of the authors’ research into managerial approaches for motivating maintenance personnel. A survey was answered by 500 employees at different firms, and was followed up by 104...
Feb 1 1986
Creating computer software user guides: from manuals to menus
Houghton-Alico D., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1985.Type: Book
After briefly introducing the basic concepts underlying software documentation and discussing the “macrodesign†of documentation, the bulk of this book discusses what the author labels the “microframe.†This includes...
Oct 1 1985
A handbook of software development and operating procedures for microcomputers
Holliday P., Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., Indianapolis, IN, 1985.Type: Book
This small (181-page) book attempts to cover a great deal of subject matter. The Introduction and General Procedures (Chapters 1 and 2) define terms such as operating systems, media, and backups. Chapter 3 contains some useful suggestions on file ...
Jul 1 1985
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