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DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE North Carolina A&T State University ANNUAL REPORT 1995-1996 Director of Undergraduate Studies: Prof. Rodney Harrigan Director of Graduate Studies: Dr. David Bellin
Faculty: Prof. Shearon Brown Dr. Kelvin Bryant Dr. Gerald Dozier Dr. Albert Esterline Dr. David Goldstein Dr. Dechang Gu
Dr. Kenneth Williams Dr. Anna Yu Adjunct Faculty: Prof. Marlowe Hinton (Lucent Technology) Prof. Robin Howard (NC A&T State Univ)
Dr. Roger Marshall (Winston-Salem State Univ) Dr. Hoi Yoo (NC A&T State Univ) ANNUAL REPORT 1995-1996 I. SUMMARY STATEMENT
The Department of Computer Science completed its fourth academic year as a separate department within the College of Engineering. Operating the Department in a time of growth
has presented many challenges. The major challenges were to:
 | prepare for upcoming visit of the Computer Science Accreditation Board |
 | increase the number of refereed journal publications |
 | enhance departmental administrative operations |
 | expand departmental mentoring activities |
 | maintain current levels of sponsored research |
 | continue pursuit of Ph.D. program planning authorization |
The Department is preparing for a second accreditation review by the Computer Science Accreditation Board (CSAB). Feedback provided after the first accreditation visit provided the
basis for several curricular changes implemented this year, including the addition of Databases and Social Implications of Computing as required undergraduate classes commencing next fall.
The Department completed the third year of the new MS CS degree program. Over 80 students are now enrolled in the graduate program. A system of Teaching Assistants and
Research Assistants was put in place, complete with review and evaluation processes, along with the development of departmental graduate committees to assist in decisions on admissions
and assistantships. A written plan for the supervision and evaluation of graduate assistants was formulated and provided to the University graduate school. Dr. David Bellin continued to serve
as Director of Graduate Studies in the department. Prof. Rodney Harrigan returned to the department in the capacity of Director of Undergraduate Studies and Associate Chair for Administration.
To advise students, the Department continued to evolve its mentoring strategy. Students were divided among the faculty members, and the weekly colloquium meeting was adjusted to both
require and allow structured time for faculty-student interchanges. Students still make private appointments with their faculty mentors for the purpose of discussing personal challenges.
The Department employed Dr. Kelvin Bryant, Ph.D. in Computer Science from North Carolina State University, and Dr. Gerald Dozier, Ph.D. in Computer Science from North Carolina State University.
The Department made excellent progress in the acquisition of funded research projects during the year. Research awards totaled $ 1,070,000, an increase from last year's total of $870,000.
Prospects for next year are positive, with over $ 5,000,000 in outstanding proposals. II. SUBHEADINGS A. COMPUTER SCIENCE 1. Enrollment totals, trends, and geographic spread:
Table 1 contains the enrollment data on the Computer Science Program for the past four years. A decrease in freshman enrollments may be noted over the first two years. This trend is
attributed to the higher requirements of the College of Engineering as compared to the Liberal Arts and Sciences, and to the rigor of an accreditation compliant program. The department
intends to make efforts under the direction of the undergraduate director to reverse the decrease in freshman enrollment, which has now stabilized, and to increase retention rates. In
this regard, IBM Corporation is providing support through their "Project Breakthrough" which conducted workshops and corporate mentoring for selected entering freshmen, to follow
through their graduation.
Table 1: CS Enrollment & Degree Data
Enr |
Yr |
Degr |
Conf |
AcadYear |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
TotalEnrl |
TotalUG |
Total Grad |
Bach |
MS |
PhD |
95-96 |
64 |
63 |
61 |
70 |
346 |
258 |
88 |
37 |
20 |
n/a |
94-95 |
51 |
67 |
65 |
64 |
317 |
247 |
70 |
36 |
10 |
n/a |
93-94 |
81 |
84 |
88 |
64 |
367 |
317 |
50 |
42 |
n/a |
n/a |
92-93 |
198 |
56 |
55 |
58 |
367 |
367 |
n/a |
48 |
n/a |
n/a |
2. Identification and solution to instructional problems: The Department identified implementation of the Undergraduate Colloquium as an instructional
problem, and adjusted it to provide specific times for students to meet with their faculty mentors. Further study is required in order to reach the level of excellence desired in this area.
3. Innovations in teaching: The Department has made a concerted effort to actively involve the students in the learning
process. We have the students do more discussing, presenting, and writing in all of our courses. Graduate and undergraduate students made presentations in the Undergraduate
Colloquium. GEM students led several graduate colloquium meetings, and co-ordinated the speakers. Student project teams play a central role to several courses in the undergraduate and graduate
programs, particularly in the Software Engineering concentration. 4. Significant changes in the curricula or new programs approved:
Two new courses were approved as undergraduate requirements: Databases and Social Implications of Computing. Curricula were developed, and pilot courses were taught by Prof.
Marlow Hinton and Dr. David Bellin. The MS program initiated of the MS Comprehensive Examination option, which two groups of students attempted. Four students out of ten sitting passed the examination.
Our primary programming language has continued to shift towards the object oriented paradigm. Discussions are underway regarding the potential of C++ as our language of choice (from C).
6. Efforts to improve academic advising: We have continued attempts to strengthen our mentoring program. Each student is assigned a
faculty "mentor" upon declaring Computer Science as a major. Peer tutors, paid by the department, have a separate office with networked computing facilities in Graham Hall.
The success of our mentoring efforts are reflected in an increasing number of students who intend to pursue graduate studies, and the multiple employment offers received by every
graduating graduate student. 7. Recruitment efforts: Letter and phone contact with admitted undergraduate students declaring the CS major is made
by the department chair. Letter and phone contact with prospective and admitted graduate students is made by the department's graduate director. The chair and faculty speak to student
and professional organizations off campus about A&T and Computer Science. The chair identified seventy high school seniors of interest and mailed letters and departmental
information to them. CS Department Graduate Handbooks are mailed with a general data sheet to all students who inquire about the MS program. 8. Major public service and/or off-campus activities:
9. Grants and awards received: "Software Engineering Laboratory", $360,0000 as part of Dr. John Kelly's CECOM Center for Communications, July 1995
"Specifying Reuse Objects", $100,000, Army Research Office, January 1996 "A Software Reuse Course Using Ada 95", $59,847 Defense Information Ssystems Agency, February 1996
SUCCEED - TQM Focus Area Manager - $60,000. (Jan., 1996) SUCCEED - TQM System - $42,000 (Jan., 1996) International Business Machines, Object Oriented Software Engineering research, $ 20,000 software "Performance Tools and Compiler Support for Parallel I/O Systems", National Science Foundation ($200,000.00 June 1996 - May 2000)
"Knowledge-Sharing for Intelligent, Distributed Systems", Office of Naval Research, $ 300,000, June 1, 1996 start
"Performance Measurement of ATM Systems Interfacing with non-ATM LANs" for $52,185 ( part of Dr. Kelly's CECOM Center for Communications), August 1995
Ada 95 Resources to Support Software Engineering and Software Reuse Courses, Defense Information Systems Agency, $45,577
B. Students
1. Honors received by majors and graduates:
Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Computer Science Honor Society members: Sherin T. Black Roland Johnson Benjamin D. Branch Jong Hwa Kim
Edward A. Brown William Langford Kenneth Carter Ronald Leak Ronald Dearing Kelsaw Link Norina Dixon Christie C. McNair
Audra Foster Downey Jonathan Mickles Brian Dowtin Felicia A. Morgan Kelly L. Evans Torrii A. Murphy Lezlie Fort Anita Y. Page
Kanwal Hanspal James M. Rutledge Torrez Harris Ashley L. Simon Travis Hayes Charles Steepleton Laurie D. Holloway Scotty R. Tanner
Robin Howard Angela N. Whitehead Adam Hudson Lamont A. Williams Melvin R. Johnson 2. Scholarships and fellowships received by graduates:
GEM Fellowships Recipients:
Howard Chubbs Norina Dixon Audra Foster Downey Kelly Dubois Michele Garret Laurie Holloway Jonathan Mickles Derrick Purcell
Other awards and scholarships:
 | Asley Simon - Chancellor 's Scholarship |
 | Anita Page - SAS Scholarship, NACME Scholarship |
 | Kelly Evans - Ronald McNair Alumni Scholarship, NACME Scholarship |
 | Angela Whitehead - Vice Chancellor Incentive Scholarship, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society |
 | Nasia Hamilton - Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship |
 | Candace Smith - Wal-Mart Scholarship |
 | Michelle Cofield - George C. Moore Scholarship |
 | Adam Hudson - Pi Mu Epsilon, Chancellor Scholar, Golden Key Honor Society |
 | Shanna Griffin - Chancellor Scholar |
 | Thadeus Robinson - Chancellor Scholar |
3. Number of honor graduates: Total honor graduates: 17 (Summa Cum Laude: 7, Magna Cum Laude: 7, Cum laude: 3) 4. Activities of organized student groups including civic and social work:
The UPE computer science honor society inducted 27 new members, both gradute and undergraduate students. Several members attended the national UPE meeting, and the UPE chapter conducted a fund
raiser during the Spring. The ACM student chapter organized 8 student volunteers for the national ACM conference. Additionally, the chapter created a student resume book, and did fundraising.
5. Other activities and accomplishments:
A. Department Programming Contest, Spring semester
C. Follow-up Study of Graduates
1. Number of majors: 335 2. Names of graduates receiving job offers: BS: Over 90% received job offers MS: Every graduating MS student received multiple job offers.
3. Names of companies and agencies making offers: International Business Machines, Data General, NorTel, Freddie Mac, Mitre, Texas
Instruments, E Systems, Hughes, AT & T, General Electric, American Management Systems, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Lockheed, Martin Marietta, Champion International, Southern Bell,
E-Systems, Center for Creative Leadership, Rockwell Inc., National Security Agency, Lucent Technology (partial listing)

Dr. David Bellin, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
1995-1996 Academic Year Annual Report Data Examples of Professional Growth:
Attended "1995 Objected-Oriented Programming Systems and LanguageConference - OOPSLA-95", Austin TX, October 1995
Attended Computing Week, Association for Computing Machinery, Philadelphia PA, February 1996 Attended IBM CASCON Research Conference, Toronto Canada, November 1995
Attended NSF Project ImpactCS Steering Committee, Washington DC Presented demonstration workshop, "Object Oriented Software Metrics" to Object Oriented
Programming, Systems & Languages Conference of ACM (OOPSLA), October 1995. Book Reviewer, ACM Computing Reviews.
Steering Committee, National Science Foundation Project-Impact, Computer Science Ethics Curriculum project Expert Reviewer Database, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Chair, Public Policy Task Force, ACM SIG Computers and Society Visited National Autonomous University, Mexico City, for discussion of collaborative research interests (July, 1995)
Presented at CS Department Graduate Colloquium. Hosted Triad Internet Users Group, Greensboro News-Record, McNair Auditorium, December 1995 Member, New York Academy of Sciences, Confirmed December 1995
Paper Referee, ACM SIG Computer Science Education Conference, Philadelphia PA, February 1996
Proposals prepared and funded:
International Business Machines, Object Oriented Software Engineering research, $ 20,000 software
Research Projects started and/or completed:
A Smalltalk Programming Tutorial, National Security Agency (final report, July 1995)
Source Code Metrics for Smalltalk, IBM Software Solutions Division, with MS students Kelly DuBois and Howard Chubbs, PhD student Lorna Reyes
Generic Object Oriented Software Engineering (GOOSE) Lab, IBM Software Solutions, RTP
Creative activities started and/or completed:
"The CRC Card Book", Booch Software Engineering series, Addison-Wesley Publishers, in
preparation, contracted 8/95(co-author)"Thoughts on Teaching Computers and Society", Computers & Society 25(2), June 1995, p. 4ff. Also
reprinted in "1966 ACM Computers and Society Reader" "Consequences of Computing: A Framework for Teaching the Social and Ethical Impact of
Computing", First Report of the NSF ImpactCS Steering Committee, GWU-ICTSP Technical Report Number 95-03, Washington DC, June 1995 (co-author)
Special honors received:
Elected Conference Chair for Participatory Design Conference, Cambridge MA, November 1996
Program Committee, ACM Computing Week "Computers and the Quality of Life", Philadelphia PA, March 1996 Steering Committee, NSF Project ImpactCS
Program Committee, World Conference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI-97) Elected to International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 11.2-TC11: Small Systems Security
President, Association for Computing Machinery Triad Chapter
Other accomplishments:
Graduate Studies Director, CS DepartmentChair, CS Department Graduate Committee
Chair, CS Department Ph.D. Planning Committee Co-chair, CS Department Curriculum Committee Chair, CS Department Faculty Search Committee Member, EE Department Chair Search Committee
Member, CS Department Chair Search Committee Member, College of Engineering Graduate Council Coordinator of CS Department Graduate Colloquium series Evaluated and mentored CS Department Graduate Assistants
University Graduate Council, Graduate School, CS Department representative Meetings with corporate university relations directors
Community Service to: "We Are All Housekeepers" Exhibit Project and Freedom Legacy Project Digital Archives
Mentored A&T's student volunters at ACM Computer Science Conference in Philadelphia PA Chair, MS Project Committee: Maurice Tyler, , Brian Dowtin, Aaron McCarley, Willmer Pardo,
William Langford, Torrez Harris, Daljit Singh, Shaun Smith, Delores Davis Chair, MS Thesis Committee: LaTishia Mitchener
 | |
 | Member, MS Committee: Yin Zhong, James Johnson, Audra Downey, Robin Howard, Noel Abbott, Michael Pair, Gary Farrar, Kelsaw Link, Amy
Lun |